읽을 거리, 생각할 거리

제자회 교회가 나아가야 할 길---


[아래 인용한 글은, 교회확장국{Church Extension)이 새롭게 구조조정을 하면서 당위성/필요성을 Q & A 형식으로 소개하는 것 중 첫번 째 사항입니다. Church Extension Board의 허락을 받아 여기에 올립니다.]

Q: What is driving change at CE [Church Extension]?

  • 65% of Disciples churches are in decline, nearly a fifth declining at 10% a year
  • 90% of budgets in declining congregations is going into maintaining buildings, salaries and other administration, while only 10% or less is being used for program and outreach
  • Many congregations have much more space than needed; space that often gets used only a few hours a week
  • The capital needs of congregations are changing dramatically, so CE must change to meet the congregations at the point of their needs, in their individual context… to develop multi-purpose space
  • Mission comes first and change at CE is required to ensure that we can help congregations put priorities in order—mission ahead of structure. (Doesn’t mean that buildings go away; means that buildings are used to facilitate mission in their communities.)


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