읽을 거리, 생각할 거리

존 쉘비 스퐁, The Future of Christianity (동영상)


The Future of Christianity--Part 1

The Future of Christianity--Part 2

The Future of Christianity--Part 3

The Future of Christianity--Part 4

The Future of Christianity--Part 5

The Future of Christianity--Part 6


박원일님의 댓글

profile_image no_profile 박원일 쪽지보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일

스퐁 주교가 끝부분에 언급한 "Life after death"를 주제로 한 책이 <<Eternal Life: A New Vision--Beyond Religion, Beyond Theism, Beyond Heaven and Hell >(2009)라는 제목으로 출판되었다.

Charles Byun님이 빌려줘서 읽고 있는 <Thou Art That> (by Joseph Campbell) 에 이런 말이 있다. 스퐁의 생각과 일치하는 점이다:
One of the big problems in the Christian tradition arises from the interpretation of supernatural grace, which says, in effect, that salvation does not come from you, but from outside youself through some kind of ritual experience. But the function of the sacrament of Baptism, for example, is not to pour anything into you but to pull something out of you. The sacraments are an evocation, not an indoctrination." (p. 37)

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