
PSW Regional Assembly Recognition of Saegil as a fully-recognized cong…


지방회에서 보내 온 서신을 공유합니다. 새길교회가 크리스천교회(제자회), Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 정회원 교회(full standing)가 됨에 따라 오는 10월 18일(토) 오후 2시 15분에 이를 공표하는 시간을 가진다 합니다. 많은 분들이 참여할 수 있기를 바란다는... 

Bruce Indermill
So Young Park Me daeyeonw@yahoo.com
Don Dewey Michel Johnson Mildred Butler (mbu7778302@aol.com) Susan Gonzales Dewey MHR Shrout
Today at 8:59 AM

Dear Revs. Park, Won and Park,

Rev. Dewey has asked me to let you know that Saegil Christian Church will be recognized by the Assembly at the First Christian Church, Garden Grove on Saturday during the Business Session. The Business Session will start at 2:15 in the Main Sanctuary. We hope that you will have many members as well as your clergy leadership to join in this significant day in the life of Saegil and the Region.


Would you find me prior to 2:00 in the Sanctuary? I will let Don Dewey know that your congregation has arrived.


Congratulations and blessings,


Bruce Indermill


Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) PSW Region

2401 N. Lake Avenue

Altadena, CA 91001-2418

voice:          626 296 0385 ext. 201

fax:              626 296 1280

email:          pswr@disciplespswr.org

website:     http://www.disciplespswr.org


새길님의 댓글

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한인 목회자님들께,

지방회 총회가 가든 글로브에 있는 크리스쳔교회에서 
The 2014 Regional Assembly will be held at First Christian Church in Garden Grove, CA (11231 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92840).

17일 아침 8시 부터 시작됩니다.  
아침 8시 강명선 목사님의 아침 성경공부
오후 2시 30분 웍샵에서 한국에서 오신 5분의 목사님과의 대화 시간 

아침 8시-10시 : 목회자 모임(아침식사),   

The location has been changed to First Presbyterian Church, Garden Grove (11832 Euclid St, Garden Grove, CA 92840). 

1시: Can you hear me now?  인신매매공연, 김영란 목사
구 예배당 

2시: 새길교회 풀스탠등 행사 

3시45분: 예배시  : 예수사랑교회 청소년들 찬양과 안요셉, 김효철 목사의 성찬 진행 
한인목사님의 등록과 참여를 부탁드립니다. 


7:00AM - Exhibitors begin set up
8:00AM - Registration opens/continental breakfast available
8:30AM - Bible Lecture (강명선 목사님 성경공부인도)
10:00AM - Opening Worship
11:15AM - Morning Workshops
12:15PM - Lunch provided
1:00PM - Business Session 1 
              -Unit Reports
              -Bylaw revision
              -Structure revision
2:45PM  - Afternoon Workshops (2:45-3:45) POK 목사님과의 대화
4:00PM - Evening Worship
5:00PM - Dinner off-site
7:30PM - Evening Concert


7:00AM - Exhibitors begin set up
8:00AM - 목사들의 아침식사 
(First Presbyterian Church, Garden Grove (11832 Euclid St, Garden Grove, CA 92840).
8:30AM - Bible Lecture
10:15AM - Morning Worship (10:30-11:45)
12:00PM - Lunch provided
1:00PM - Afternoon Workshops
2:15PM - Business Session 2
              -Select Officers
              -State of Region by Co-Regional Ministers
              -New churches acknowledged (새길교회 풀스탠딩)
              -Installation of Officers
3:45PM -  Closing Worship (3:45-4:45)


1. PostChristian: What's left? Can we fix it? Do we care? with Christian Piatt

In his new book, Christian Piatt explores the cultural landscape after Christian empire, and plots a roadmap for the future of faith in the western world. 

2. Can We Talk? with Mildred Butler, Charlotte Harris and Perry Spencer, Sr. 

In light of what happened in Ferguson, Missouri, can we talk?  The stark reality of racism raises its ugly head again. It’s time the faith community to change the conversation.

3. Future Ministry with Spencer Burke 

4. Boldly Reaching the B-Wary – Our Largest Mission Field with Dale Suggs 

“We came three times just driving around the parking lot before we got the courage to come in.” This is a quote from someone from a group that I call, the “B-Wary”.  These are people who used to be active in church but left because they were Bored, Belittled, Bruised, Burned or Betrayed. According to a PEW Research study, the “B-Wary” represent the third largest mission field in the US. Come join a dialogue about how we can boldly reach and compassionately welcome the “B-Wary”.

5. Hurt 2.0: Are Youth Really Bored with Church? with BJ Barlow

Using Clark’s book on modern youth ministry, we will explore how the Church can prepare youth for a life-long faith journey through adult mentorship, leadership development, and ministry design.

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