
Mid-Week Messenger, 5-29-14


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Mid-Week Messenger

Sunday, June 1, 2014 

Sermon: What is Holiness?

Scripture: Matthew 11:28-12:8

“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” 
At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the sabbath; his disciples were hungry, and they began to pluck heads of grain and to eat.  When the Pharisees saw it, they said to him, “Look, your disciples are doing what is not lawful to do on the sabbath.”  He said to them, “Have you not read what David did when he and his companions were hungry?  He entered the house of God and ate the bread of the Presence, which it was not lawful for him or his companions to eat, but only for the priests.  Or have you not read in the law that on the sabbath the priests in the temple break the sabbath and yet are guiltless? I tell you, something greater than the temple is here.  But if you had known what this means, ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless.  For the Son of Man is lord of the sabbath.” 

Our sister in Christ,  Janet Morris passed away in the afternoon on May 26, 2014. Janet was beloved by all of us, and now she is with our Savior who is the source of all love. "We love because Christ first loved us" 1 John 4:19. Hold her family, especially her son Rick in your prayers. And may the God of all comfort, comfort our hearts at this time.  A celebration of Janet's life will be held at First Christian Church of Burbank. The date and time will be announced once the details are finalized.

90th Birthday Celebration 
Please join Steve and Cinda Cates at the June 1st Coffee and Conversation time as they honor Helen Cates in celebration of her 90 th birthday, on Sunday, June 1, 10:30-11 am in the Upper Fellowship Hall. 

Congregational Meeting
The church's annual congregational meeting will be held onSunday, June 8 immediately following the second service in the Upper Fellowship Hall. A potluck lunch will be held as well. The budget needs to be approved and officers elected for our new year beginning July 1st. 

Nominations Committee 
Officers (one year term) 
Board Chair – Debby Moogan (until 6/2015) 
Chair Elect (Board Chair for the following term) – Timothy Northrip (until 6/2015) 
Church Clerk – Cinda Cates* (until 6/2015) 
Treasurer – Steve Cates* (until 6/2015) 
Asst. Treasurer – Kathryn Engel* (until 6/2015) 
Financial Secretary – Kevin Connolly* (until 6/2015) 
(* = continuing another term in the same position) 
Board of Trustees (3 year term) 
Trustee – Sam Engel Jr (filling vacated position until 6/2015) 
Trustee – Mario Moogan (filling vacated position until 6/2016) 
Trustee – Brian Holtzapfel (until 6/2017) 
Board of Elders (3 year term) 
Elder – Diane Cripe (until 6/2015) 
Elder – Jen Payne (until 6/2015) 
Elder – Matt Payne (until 6/2015) 
Elder – Dave Engel (until 6/2016) 
Elder – Tad Frantz (until 6/2016) 
Elder – Nancy Hurst (until 6/2017) 
Elder – Wendy Gunn (until 6/2017) 
Elder – Louie Brinker (until 6/2017) 
Elder – Vacant 
Board of Deacons (3 year term) 
Deacon – Susan Cline (until 6/2015) (Inactive) 
Deacon – Mandy Hillig (until 6/2015) 
Deacon – Jacqueline Kennedy (until 6/2015) 
Deacon – Marina Melikian (until 6/2015) 
Deacon – Amanda Moghaddam (until 6/2016) 
Deacon – Mike Moghaddam (until 6/2016) 
Deacon – Sarah Northrip (until 6/2016) 
Deacon – Ken Truitner (until 6/2016) 
Deacon – Carolyn Purser (until 6/2017) 
Deacon – Gene Cripe (until 6/2017)) 
Deacon – Chandra Collins (until 6/2017) 
Deacon – Brian Collins (until 6/2017) 
Deacon – Ali Blanco (until 6/2017) 
Deacon – David DeVoss (until 6/2017) 
Deacon – Kelly Bartolome (until 6/2017) 
Deacon – Vacant 

Sunday June 8th - Pentecost Potluck! Sunday, June 8th is the day of our annual congregational meeting. It is also Pentecost Sunday - the day we celebrate the birth of the church and the message of Christ being shared with God's people all over the world. In that spirit of diversity the church is hosting a potluck meal immediately following the congregational meeting and you are invited to bring a side dish representing your culture or tradition. Spiral cut ham and drinks will be provided. Come for the meeting - stay for the lunch!! 

Member Updates/Prayer Requests
Continue to keep...
Marjorie and Les Jonkey in your prayers for full recovery.
Marcia Young has moved to Vintage Burbank, 2729 Willow ST, Room 404, Burbank, 91505. Her phone number has not changed.
Paul Frantz and Tad appreciate all the help they have received from their church family. Struggles continue, however. If you would like to help in some way, call and talk with Tad.
Barbara McLay has moved to Le Bleu Chateau, 1900/1911 Grismer AVE, Burbank, 91504. She may appreciate "thinking of you" cards from her church family.
Charline Cooper continues with  her cancer treatment. Keep her and family Robert, Robby & Ethan in your prayers.
Lois Steckel has moved to a retirement home. Anyone wishing to have her new contact information, please call the office during office hours.
Helen LeValley had a bad fall and is at home recuperating. Please remember her in your prayers.
Frank Tullo learned that the alternative cancer treatment he has been receiving at Duke University is not as successful as he once thought. Please keep him in your prayers.

Meditation & Prayer

Silence is hard to find in our busy modern life. Yet, silence has been an integral quality of spiritual practices throughout history. We are offering two times for you to participate in a time of "spiritual silence" in our beautiful chapel. We hope you avail yourself of these opportunities and find them meaningful.

Sunday 8:15-8:45 AM
We will begin with 15 minutes of silence, then read a passage of scripture on which to meditate. We will close this time with a brief verbal prayer or the ring of a bell.

**The Disciples' Avocate** 
The Spring 2014 edition  is online at https://www.discipleshomemissions.org/dhm/get-involved/disciples-advocate/
This issue has a lot of information of interest to Seniors, aka "The Grey Brigade"! Food for thought AND discussion.

Upper Room, May-June
The new Upper Room is available in the narthex on the table. Please only take one copy per family. A big THANK YOU to Cindy Snedden for providing them.

Who's Serving This Week

Dave Engel

9:30:     Sarah Northrip
11:00:   Kevin Connolly

Scripture Readers
9:30:     Jacqueline Kennedy

11:00:   Debby Moogan

Nursery Help

Carolyn Purser

June 1st - Birthday Celebration for Helen Cates
Upper Fellowship Hall

(Cinda & Steve Cates)

Choir Rehearsal
Thurs, May 29th, 6:30pm
Classroom A-203

Worship Band Rehearsal 
Thurs, May 29th, 7:30pm

Mens Group

Thurs, May 29th, 8:30pm
Classroom - A203

Board Meeting
Tues, June 3rd, 7:30pm
Office Boardroom A-200

Pack for BTAC
Sat, June 7th, 9:00am
LFH Kitchen
Sign Up Sheet in the Narthex


Loch Leven Camp
Head up to Loch Leven Camp & Conference Center on Saturday, May 31, from 11AM to 3PM to celebrate the Grand Re-Opening of Campbell Lodge. The event is free. There will be a program at noon (optional) and food/drinks will be available for purchase. This will be a wonderful opportunity to hike around the camp, especially if you've never visited. Visit the website atwww.lochleven.org

Memorial Service for Kay Baldwin
Long time (former) member of our church passed away last week. The service for Kay will be held on Monday, June 2nd at 2:00PM at First United Methodist Church of Burbank.


Birthdays & Anniversaries


June 5:      Sam Engel Jr.
June 11:    Brian Hurst
June 13:    Emma Grill
June 13:    Drew Stedman
June 14:    Carri Sullens
June 15:    Sarah Northrip
June 21:    Gigi Boratgis
June 23:    Mario Moogan
June 24:    Soo Yun
June 26:    Robby Cooper

June 3:     Terri & Steve Borgard
June 7:      Matt & Jennifer Payne
June 12:    Millie & Sam Engel
June 23:    Sarah & Timothy Northrip
June 27:    Sandy & Dave Engel


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Church Calendar


Kids Corner
The Nursery is open for both services and we have lessons for children Pre-K thru 5th Grade in the Children's Center during both services.

Sunday, June 1st
The Good Shepherd and the Lord's Supper (II)
1 Corinthians 11:23-26

Communion and Children
As a church we want to involve our children in 'adult' worship, while also allowing the children to have worship and fellowship opportunities that are appropriate for their age. We have tried to balance having the kids observe and participate in worship, while also having their own worship space and time. 

On the first Sunday of each month, we will make arrangements to have the children join the adults in worship for the communion time.  It will be up to each individual family, whether you would like your child to take the cup and the bread or merely observe.  We will have a children's message and then dismiss the children to sit with their families before communion is served.   The nursery aged children will stay in the nursery.   


BTAC Food Pantry Help
Please bring a non-perishable food item for BTAC to service every Sunday. Keep bringing those grocery sacks (plastic and paper). Egg cartons are especially needed!!!

Treasurer's Report

Tithes and Offerings

April, 2014
Actual           $  8,923 
Budget          $  9,708
Difference   <$    785>

Actual            $106,745
Budget           $104,361
Difference     $  2,384

~~ Steve Cates, Treasurer

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Phone: 818-845-7459
Email: burbankchristian@att.net (Office)
Web: BurbankChristian.org
Pastor's Phone: 818-321-5623 

Our mailing address is:
First Christian Church of Burbank
221 S. Sixth Street
BurbankCalifornia 91501

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Copyright (C) 2014 First Christian Church of Burbank All rights reserved.

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