
Easter Lilies--orders accepted


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First Christian Church of Burbank
Mid-Week Messenger

Sunday, March 16, 2014 
Second Sunday of Lent

Sermon: A Fresh Look at the Story of Jesus

Scripture: Mark 8:8-33

Jesus went on with his disciples to the villages of Caesarea Philippi; and on the way he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?”   And they answered him, “John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.”   He asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Messiah.”   And he sternly ordered them not to tell anyone about him. 
Then he began to teach them that the Son of Man must undergo great suffering, and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.   He said all this quite openly. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him.  But turning and looking at his disciples, he rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan! For you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things.” 

Lent is a time of reflection and renewal.  

The church has purchased Lenten Devotional books as a resource to  guide you through this season of the year.   Psalm 51:10 says, "Create in me a clean heart, O God." Isn't that what Lent does for us? In Fellowship of Prayer 2014,  Julie Richardson Brown shows us how all days, not just those during Lent, are sacred opportunities for introspection and renewal.   You can pick up your copy from the table in the lobby (narthex) of the church.  If you prefer to read on an electronic reading device, you can purchase your own copy at: http://www.chalicepress.com/Fellowship-of-Prayer-2014-EPDF-P1424.aspx  

"What Matters" is a feature length documentary about three friends, two idealistic activists and one skeptic, attempting to live in poverty, on $1.25 a day, across 3 continents. The adventure takes a devastating turn when two of them survive a deadly plane crash in Africa, and all three must fight to finish what they started. 

The showing will take place on Thursday, March 13th from 7:30-9:00 pm, at the Burbank AMC Town Center 6. Tickets cost $11.00, and a portion of the proceeds will go to fighting extreme poverty in the US and abroad. Reserve tickets at www.tugg.com/events/8085

Easter Lilies
This Sunday, Sam Engel, Sr will begin taking lily orders for Easter Sunday. The plants may be in honor of or in memory of loved ones. Each plant is $10. Sam will be taking orders in the narthex through Palm Sunday. If you prefer, you may mail a check to the office along with the name of person/people. The list of names will be in the Easter Sunday bulletin.


Member Updates/Prayer Requests
Keep Marcia Young (and family) in your prayers as she grieves the loss of her husband Jim.
Continue to keep Marjorie and Les Jonkey in your prayers for full recovery.
Paul Frantz and Tad appreciate all the help they have received from their church family. Struggles continue, however. If you would like to help in some way, call and talk with Tad.
Charline Cooper continues with  her cancer treatment. Keep her and family Robert, Robby & Ethan in your prayers.
Erica King needs has multiple conditions that keep her in pain. Keep her and James in your prayers.
Terri Borgard had surgery on March 6,continuing her treatment for breast cancer. She is home and doing very well. Ongoing prayers for a full recovery!
Janet Morris is at Masa Comfort Living, 7639 Alcove AVE, North Hollywood, CA 91605. 
Cards and visits are always welcome! Please keep her in your prayers as she recuperates from several strokes.


Meditation & Prayer
Silence is hard to find in our busy modern life. Yet, silence has been an integral quality of spiritual practices throughout history. We are offering two times for you to participate in a time of "spiritual silence" in our beautiful chapel. We hope you avail yourself of these opportunities and find them meaningful.
Saturday 7:30-8:30 AM
A bell will ring to mark the beginning and end of the silent time. If you enter after 7:30AM, you are welcome - just enter quietly if you can.
Sunday 8:15-8:45 AM
We will begin with 15 minutes of silence, then read a passage of scripture on which to meditate. We will close this time with a brief verbal prayer or the ring of a bell.

The Disciples' Avocate 
The Winter 2013 edition of the Disciples Advocate is online at


Who's Serving This Week

Matt Payne

9:30:     Carolyn Purser
Carolyn Purser

Scripture Readers
Carolyn Purser
11:00:   Debby Moogan

Nursery Help

Ali Blanco

March 16th 
Relay for Life Kickoff!

Sign up sheet is on the narthex table, ready for spring signups.
Last week: MANY thanks to Ken Truitner, Donna Connolly and Matt & Jen Payne who stepped in at the last minute with goodies to share.


Men's Group

Wed., Mar 12th, 8:00-9:00pm
All are welcome to join with the men attending St Finbar's Taizé service at 8PM. Contact Matt Payne at matjenpayne@gmail.com if you would like to meet and the church and carpool. There will not be a regular Thurs. night meeting this week.

Choir Practice
Thurs, Mar 13th, 6:30pmChoir Room/Library - A203

Worship Band Rehearsal 
Thurs, Mar 13th, 7:30pm


Loch Leven
One Hundred Ye
ar Celebration
SATURDAY   MARCH 22, 2014   2:00pm

Presentation & Discussion:
Join us for a presentation of the fascinating history of Mountain Home Village, Loch Leven, and the Lower Control Road at 2pm.

For Walkers:
Enjoy walking tours of historic Loch Leven throughout the day and up the road immediately following the presentation and group photo. Bring walking shoes, water, a hat, etc.   

 For Mountain Bikers:
The celebration will begin with a mountain bike ride on the old canyon road at 8:00AM
8171 Mountain Home Creek Rd, Mentone, CA 92359  909-794-2507

Disciples Women Leadership
Disciples Women Leadership presents "Spring Training Bible Study Kickofff" with 6 meeting locations, 3 hours, and 1 study. These meetings will take place in the mornings on March 29 or April 5. Materials will be provide. A $10 donation is requested to cover costs. If any of you ladies are interested in attending this PSWR-sponsored study and fellowship, please contact Paulette in the office for the various locations.

5th Sunday Potluck
March 30th after the 2nd service. Watch for the signup board in the narthex. We will also celebrate James King's retirement!

Birthdays & Anniversaries


March 1:      Marcia Young
March 7:      Lisa Cates
March 7:      Matt Payne
March 17:    Mark Hollenbeck
March 19:    Lizi Vidar
March 20:    Charlie Monroy
March 25:    Dave Engel

Missed A Sermon?

Listen or subscribe to audio of previous sermons here:
Previous Sermons

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Church Calendar

Kids Corner
The Nursery is open for both services and we have lessons for children Pre-K thru 5th Grade in the Children's Center during both services.

Sunday, March 16th

The   Good Samaritan
Luke   10:25-37

BTAC Food Pantry Help
Please bring a non-perishable food item for BTAC to service every Sunday. Keep bringing those grocery sacks (plastic and paper). Egg cartons are especially needed!!!


Treasurer's Report
Tithes and Offerings

February, 2014
Actual           $11,841 
Budget          $  9,078
Difference    $  2,133

Actual            $88,725
Budget          $82,518 
Difference     $  6,207

~~ Steve Cates, Treasurer

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Phone: 818-845-7459
Email: burbankchristian@att.net (Office)
Web: BurbankChristian.org
Pastor's Phone: 818-321-5623 

Our mailing address is:
First Christian Church of Burbank
221 S. Sixth Street
BurbankCalifornia 91501

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Copyright (C) 2014 First Christian Church of Burbank All rights reserved.

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