NAPAD 2012 Youth Group Winter Retreat
NAPAD Youth Retreat 에 관련된 내용을 여기 올립니다. Release form 과 Schedule 도 attach 되어 있으니까 참고해주세요.
Director’s Message,
Welcome to the 2012 Napad Youth Winter Retreat!
This winter our youth retreat will be held from December 26-29 at Loch Leven Christian Camp & Conference Center, which is located in the San Bernardino Mountains (75 miles from Los Angeles, California)
The theme of our retreat is “The Two Greatest Commandments: Loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself” Matthew 22:34-40)
Our theme will be discussed during our daily worship, bible study and in our prayer times together. Exploring how we love God and our neighbors will also be conducted through a series of activities that include family group time discussion and sharing, fellowship activities like our youth wide games and during our family group scavenger hunt.
For a complete schedule listing of activities, and directions to Loch Leven, please see the attached files.
Registration is open for youths who are currently in grade 7 to currently in grade 12.
Our maximum number of youth is 40 so please register soon and before our cutoff date of December 20.
Registration fee is $115 per youth and that will include a free napad youth t-shirt. Please indicate your shirt size when you register.
For more information please contact:
Mayon Marcelino,
Napad Youth Director
(Cellphone) 778-712-2730 (Vancouver, Canada)
- Napad winter retreat schedule2012.docx (11.1K) | DATE : 2012-12-09 01:45:22 | 103회 다운로드
Soo님의 댓글

12월 20일이 신청마감날이고 등록비는 $115 입니다.
현재 7학년부터 12학년에 다니고 있는 학생들만 받고 space 가 제한되어 있다고 하니까 등록을 서두러 주세요.
먼저 여기 올린 form 들을 보내실 이메일주소는 입니다.
새길님의 댓글

집에서부터 수양회 장소까지 시간이 얼마나 걸리나 알아 보려면, 본문 Loch Leven Christian Camp & Conference Center를 클릭하시고 Get Directions에 자신의 주소를 넣어 보세요.