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버뱅크 스티브 보가드 목사님이 보내온 멜입니다. 관심있는 분들, 참여가 가능한 분들은 목회팀에 알려주세요.
Hello Saegil,
We are trying to set a date for the next Tijuana home build project.
I thought if we got a date on the calendar now, we could have greater participation from both congregations.
How is Saturday, Oct 8? I know the Women's Spiritual Retreat is at Loch Leven that weekend - but that is the only conflict I see.
Let me know - I'm checking with the other churches involved as well.
Steve Borgard - Pastor
First Christian Church of Burbank
221 S. Sixth Street
Burbank CA 91505
email: steve@burbankchristian.org
"The trust in the self-justification of Beauty introduces faith, where reason fails to reveal the details." A.N. Whitehead AoI
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