
중요한 세미나 안내입니다!!! (Seminar offering: Structure of Church)



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제자회의 "교회 구조"에 관한 Susan G. Dewey 공동 지방회장의 특강이 있습니다.

특히 태평양서남지방회 구조가 어떻게 되어있고, 무엇을 하며, 앞으로 어떻게 발전해 가야할 지를 설명하는 중요한 세미나입니다


아래의 시간표를 참조하시고, 등록을 원하는 분들은 가능한한 빨리 신청하십시오. 등록원서를 첨부합니다.

점심을 제공하며, 등록비는 없습니다.


참석을 원하시면, 저에게 연락주십시오. 대신 등록해 드릴 수도 있습니다.


천진석 드림


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bruce Indermill <pswr@disciplespswr.org>
Date: Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 4:46 PM
Subject: Seminar offering: Structure of Church

Date:                                     March 26, 2011

Time:                                     9 am to 3 pm

Instructor:                           Susan Gonzales Dewey

Course Title:                       The Structure of Church


She would encourage all pastors and lay leaders who need to know more about the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and more specifically the Pacific Southwest Region to attend.


(Note: This may be a repeat for someone who has taken Disciples History and Polity but would focus more on the Region than that course. All are welcome!)


The time listed above reflect a 30 minute lunch break.


DSF has generously offered a coupon so that this course will be free to “explorers/inquirers.” See attachment.


Please mail the registrations directly to DSF per the attachment but please let me know if you assist someone to sign up so that I can be sure that Susan has the appropriate quantity of any handouts.


If you have any questions, please let me know how I can help!




Bruce Indermill

Senior Administrator

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) PSW Region

2401 N. Lake Avenue

Altadena, CA 91001-2418

voice:          626 296 0385

fax:              626 296 1280

email:          pswr@disciplespswr.org

website:     http://www.disciplespswr.org



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