
Mid-Week Messenger (February 23, 2011)


Mid-week Messenger

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sermon Title:
"Tensions of Faith:
Love of Self and Others"

Scripture Reading: Luke 10:25-28

Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he said, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What is written in the law? What do you read there?” He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” And he said to him, “You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live.”

Missed Last Week's Sermon?

Listen or subscribe to audio of Pastor Steve's past sermons here:
Pastor Steve's Sermons


Men's Breakfast - February 27th
Sunday, February 27, 2011, 8:00 AM
@ Frank's Coffee Shop, 916 West Olive Ave, Burbank CA

Be part of the BTAC Sack Lunch Bunch! - March 5th
Saturday, March 5th, we are preparing 125 lunches which will be distributed by the Burbank Temporary Aid Center (BTAC). Thanks to all who have signed up to bring food items.  Some things are still needed:  125 pieces of fruit (apples or oranges are easy to pack), 3 cases of soft drinks, 25 dozen cookies, 1 box of 42-50 individual bags of potato chips.

If you can help by donating some of these items, please let us know by calling (818-331-7871) or emailing us at cindacates5@gmail.com

Again, we’ll be preparing the lunches 9-10 a.m. on Saturday, March 5th in the lower fellowship hall kitchen.  Come, join the crew!

Thank you for the help.
Cinda and Steve Cates
Your March BTAC coordinators

BTAC Food Pantry Help
The shelves at BTACs food pantry are empty of peanut butter, mac n' cheese, canned tuna, meat stews and would very much welcome some donations of these items. If folks could bring some of these items to church, I'll see that they get to BTAC.

Parents Night Out - March 12th
It's been rescheduled. It's now on March 12, from 5PM - 9:00PM in the Upper Fellowship Hall. Sue Cline and Jill Hollenbeck will provide sitter service, so you can enjoy a Saturday night without your children.

Please reply by email : SCline@chla.usc.edu or call me (323-395-6648) to RSVP so that Jill and I will have a head count for dinner!

Chapman University Founders Day - March 19th
Saturday morning:   Speaker Dr. Alvin Jackson and Lunch. Dr. Jackson is a celebrated preacher, Park Avenue Christian Church, New York, NY
Saturday afternoon:   Speaker Anne Lamott and the Chapman Choir. Lamott is author of “Traveling Mercies” and other spiritual essays and novels. The choir is superb!

For registration information, contact Janet Teal by phone: 818-845-5622 or email : JTeal838@att.net!

Who's Serving on Sunday
Debby Moogan

Deacon (9:30am):
Jill Hollenbeck

Deacon (11:00am):
Emily Monroy

Scripture Reader:
Cinda Cates

Nursery Help:


Young Adults Group:
Thu, Feb. 24rd, 7:30pm
Craft Loft:
Third floor Classroom (A306)
Fri, Feb. 25th, 11am
Men's Breakfast:
Sun, February 27, 8am
Frank's Coffee Shop
916 West Olive Ave

Church Board Meeting:
All are invited.
Tues, Mar. 1st, 7pm
BTAC Lunches:
Kitchen (A102 LfH)
Sat, Mar. 5th, 9am
Church Work Day:
Sat, Mar. 5th, after BTAC
Parent's Night Out:
Upper Fellowship Hall
Sat, Mar. 12th, 5pm
Chapman Founders Day:
Chapman University
Sat, Mar. 19th

Stay Up To The Minute Online
Church Calendar

FCCB Youth Activities

Sunday, Mar. 6th
UCLA Gymnastics v. Georgia

Saturday, Mar. 19th
Human Halo (Nerf)
@ the Church

Sunday, April 3rd
Capture the Flag

Sunday, April 9th

Friday, April 29th
Halo Tournament
Emmanuel Church

Saturday, May 21th
Tijuana Home Build

Contact Josh at
818-581-8148or joshualhelmuth@gmail.com
w/questions, or to RSVP.

Kids Corner

The Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37


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