
Mid-Week Messenger (November 17, 2010)


Mid-week Messenger

Sunday, November 21st, 2010
Sermon Title: "Cultivating Gratitude"
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:23-33

All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not. Let no man seek his own, but every man another's wealth. Whatsoever is sold in the shambles, that eat, asking no question for conscience sake: For the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof. If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake. But if any man say unto you, this is offered in sacrifice unto idols, eat not for his sake that shewed it, and for conscience sake: for the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof: Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of the other: for why is my liberty judged of another man's conscience? For if I by grace be a partaker, why am I evil spoken of for that for which I give thanks? Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God: Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.

Missed Last Week's Sermon?

Listen or subscribe to audio of Pastor Steve's past sermons here:
Pastor Steve's Sermons

All Church Thanksgiving Feast

This Sunday from 11am – 1pm in the Upper Fellowship Hall.
In combination with our regular second service, we will have a Thanksgiving Dinner. Bring something to share if you would like to do that. But come anyway!

Please Welcome...

We are pleased to announce that Stephanie Lovely officially joined the church this past Sunday.


Nov. 21:
Community Thanksgiving Service
, @ 7PM at First United Methodist Church. Steve is preaching. All offerings of money and canned goods go to BTAC.
Dec 5:
It's our Annual Membership Meeting. Come vote on new officers & the 2011 budget @ 10AM in the Sanctuary.
Then at 11am we are having a combined service with Saegil combined service.

Treasurer's Report—October 2010
Tithe's and Offering's
                        Actual          Budget         Difference
October '10:    $22,896        $12,875         $10,021
Year to Date:  $120,188      $113,300       $6,888
Steve Cates, Treasurer
Who's Serving on Sunday
Susan Cline

Deacon (9:30am):
Diane Cripe

Deacon (11:00am):
Emily Monroy

Scripture Reader:
Ron Evans

Nursery Help:
Tad Frantz


Men’s Fellowship Group:
Board Room
Wed, Nov. 17th, 7:00pm

Ladies Lunch Bunch:
Location varies.
Call the church.
Thu, Nov. 18th, 12pm – 1pm
Young Adults Group:
Drew & Mande Stedman’s Apt.
Thurs. Nov. 18th, 7:30 pm
Craft Loft:
Third floor Classroom (A306)
Fri. Nov. 19th, 11:00 am
Packing Lunches for BTAC:
Lower Fellowship Hall (A102)
Sat, Dec. 4th, 12:00 pm
Social Concerns Meeting:
No Meeting Scheduled

Stay Up To The Minute Online
Church Calendar

FCCB Youth Activities
Friday, Nov. 26th
Six Flags Trip
Sunday, Dec. 5th
Youth Sunday
, Dec. 12th
Christmas Party
Contact Josh at
818-581-8148 or joshhelmuth@hotmail.com
w/questions, or to RSVP.

Kids Corner
This week in our
Sunday School program,
our children will be
learning about:

"Exile and Return"
Ezra 1-6


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