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비유란 말하는  이상 혹은 다른 것을 뜻하고 각각의 사람에게 다른 의미를 부여하는 이야기그리고  뜻을 찾았을 비유는 순수한 인식의 단계에 머무르지 않고 일체의 태도의지와 행동을 유발한다비유를 이해한다 함은 단지 깨달음을 말하기 보다는 보통 변화를 뜻하거나 혹은 최소한 그런 변화에 도전 받음을 의미한다. R. T. France, The Gospel of Mark (NIGTC; Eerdmans, 2002), 183.

Parables are ‘narratives that mean more and other than they seem to say, and mean different things to different people’. And their meaning, when discovered, is not like to lie at the purely cognitive level, but will include (indeed, may even simply be) a call to response at the level of attitude, will, and action. To understand a παραβολή is usually to be changed (or at least challenged to change), not just enlightened. (R. T. France, The Gospel of Mark [NIGTC; Eerdmans, 2002] p. 183). 

[좀 더 자세한 내용은 아래 글을 참조하세요. handout은 일부만 옮긴 것입니다.]



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