요한복음과 예수공동체

2. 예수는 누구인가?


모든 복음서와 마찬가지로, 요한복음의 주된 관심은 예수가 누구인가를 설명하는데 있다.
누가 하느님의 참 대변자/revealer인가? (요 1:1-5).
유대교 문화권에서는 모세요 또는 다윗왕 후손들이다.
헬라문화권에서는 황제가 신의 뜻을 대신한다. 과연 그럴까?
이것이 복음서가 제기하는 질문이고, 요한복음은 신학적으로 한결 더욱 고민한 흔적을 보인다.

There was a human being in the first century who was called “Divine,” “Son of God,” “God,” and “God from God,” whose title were “Lord,” “Redeemer,” “Liberator,” and “Savior of the World.” Who was that person? Most people who know the Western Tradition would probably answer,…, Jesus of Nazareth. And most Christians probably think that those titles were originally created and uniquely applied to Christ. But before Jesus ever existed, all those terms belonged to Caesar Augustus. To proclaim them of Jesus the Christ were not simply using ordinary titles applied to all sorts of people at that time, or even extraordianry titles applied to special people in the East. They were taking the identity of the Roman emperor and giving it to a Jewish peasant. Either that was a peculiar joke and a very law lampoon, or it was what the Romans called majestas and we call high treason. (John Dominic Crossan, God and Empire: Jesus Against Rome, Then and Now [San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 2007], 28.)
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